Arizona Driving Permit Written Practice Test 2024 - Free Driving Permit Practice Questions and Study Guide

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What penalty follows the second conviction of a traffic violation for drivers under 18 years old?

30-day suspension of driving privilege

3-month suspension of driving privilege

The penalty for a second conviction of a traffic violation for drivers under 18 years old is a 3-month suspension of driving privileges. This consequence is designed to deter young drivers from engaging in unsafe driving behaviors and to emphasize the importance of adhering to traffic laws. The graduated system of penalties recognizes that young and inexperienced drivers may not yet fully understand the implications of their actions on the road. A 3-month suspension serves as a significant consequence that allows for reflection and acknowledges the need for increased responsibility. By implementing this suspension, the goal is to encourage safe driving practices among young individuals, helping to promote their safety as well as the safety of others on the road.

1-year suspension of driving privilege

6-month suspension of driving privilege


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